Working Studio Location:

Studio 308

Lowe Mill ARTS & Entertainment

2211 Seminole Drive, Huntsville, AL, 35805

Call: 256 682 3919

Use the form below to email me with any questions about public safety/911 map consulting.

Public Safety map software and map workflow consulting

With over 30 of mapping/GIS experience and 24 years working with Public Saftey mapping data and workflows, David has a wealth of knowledge that can help Computer-aided Dispatch centers optimize their map data and workflows.

Highly experienced in Intergraph/Hexagon mapping and CAD systems and software design. Worked with well over 100 customers from basic mapping concepts and software trainingt to complex workflows and vehicle routing data.

David now provides independent mapping, workflow, cartographic, data review and Computer Aided Dispatch consulting services for public safety customers.